Friday, February 20, 2009

BiRthDAy Special (3 more days to go)

10 things about Louis

  1. Louis has relatively dark skin color at birth. He looked darker than the Indian baby next to him in the hospital baby room.
  2. Louis has a nickname (though not widely used) called “Chocolate B”, made up by Popo. Interestingly, he has been transforming from Dark Chocolate to Milk Chocolate.
  3. “Louis” is named by Papa, after a closed brother in Christ, Pr. Louis Chan. The Chinese name “Jit” (哲) is from the book of Psalm in the Bible. It carries the meaning of “wisdom from God”.
  4. Louis slept in his own room since he’s born, with either Papa or Mama as companion. He sleeps by himself since 7 months old.
  5. Before Louis learnt to roll himself, Louis used to take afternoon nap in Papa/Mama’s bed, sleeping next to Mama. Mama misses those days.
  6. Louis is an active boy even at sleep. He liked stretching his body when he’s a new born and now he turns 360 degrees in his bed.
  7. Louis’ first Sunday School teacher is called Cindy. She cuddles and plays with Louis, and always said “Louis is a good boy today!” after school.
  8. Louis is very attentive when Papa & Mama read him stories. Sometimes Louis will talk back in his unique baby languages and it brings us lots of fun.
  9. Louis likes to play “Hide and Seek”, and crawls very fast to chase his target (Papa, Mama, Popo, GongGong, etc)
  10. Louis is delighted (and fixated) to open and close all doors in the house.

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